Q and A with Artist Catherine Howell

Catherine Howell is a brilliant artist whose work portrays an intense love of nature. Catherine’s work draws the viewer into each piece with a fine marriage of intricate detail and exquisite color. We asked Catherine to share with us what inspires and motivates her.


“Art keeps me awake at night. There are so many ideas and visions running through my mind and heart and I hope there is time to accomplish them all.”


Tell us a little about yourself and your beautiful work.

I’m a wife, mom, and grandmother. I love God, my family, animals and nature, very much.

I can clearly remember drawing horses at five years of age and thinking that one day I wanted a black stallion and a horse ranch. As a child, I imagined myself riding horses and flying over huge jumps. I have been fortunate to have horses in my life and still do.

I’ve always created all types of art. Some of the mediums I’ve worked in are: Graphite, Pen and Ink, Watercolors, Acrylics, Linocuts, and at the present, I am in love with Mixed Media drawings. I also make jewelry as well as paint and adorn beautiful jewelry/curio boxes. I also write poetry and sing. In high school I started designing exotic borders and the borders you see in some of my work are all drawn freehand, first and then I fill them in with archival ink. Each border takes on its own personality.

My work is considered design and detail oriented. Lora Fisher with Galri-Montaj, where I currently display my work stated that it is: “Realism in a subtly alternate reality.” This describes my work as I do not let realism stop me from adding a look or a version that I see in my mind.

Two causes that are extremely important to me are helping those who cannot help themselves; one being helping orphans to have food, medicine and clean water and the other to save wolves from being trapped, tortured and hunted. We currently have three rescued wolf dogs and I am very interested in education and protection of wolves and wolf dogs.

Photography is also a love of mine. I’m a total amateur, but I love to photograph nature and butterflies.

"Moonlight Leopard" Colored pencil and ink

What is your outlook on art and life?

My main philosophy on life is to never give up, no matter how trying or dark things may look. Every day is a new day to try again, no matter what has happened or thrown in our paths.

"Creation2" Colored Pencil

What is integral to your work as an artist?

I’m always thinking about ways to better myself and the lives of those around me.

My inspiration to create comes from nature, animals and creation. If I could draw for you what inspires me it would look something like this:

“It would be a world in a perfect, unspoiled state, with no sorrow or pain, nor war. A beautiful mountain meadow with a clear blue, running stream, birch, aspen and fir trees and a cool, gentle breeze with crystal pure air, me existing there, my horse and I, watching a family of wolves, playing at their den site, never having to fear poisons, traps, snares or rifles. This is where I exist inside of myself. I long for this and I feel this”. These types of realities are my inspiration.

"Toco Toucans" Colored pencil

What is the most memorable response you have had with regards to your work?

People are usually very kind in regards to my work, but the most memorable experience I had was at a small show. A woman came up and stood for a long time, looking at my drawing “Paradise.” I was blown away when she started crying. She said the piece moved her and her reaction surely moved me. The greatest compliment is to understand that she felt what I felt while creating this drawing and it remains my personal favorite.

I want to create work that makes people feel happy and peaceful, and sometimes, work that might even challenge us to think how our actions in this world can either help or destroy.

Where can we find your work? (Links, galleries etc)

"Strength In Numbers" Colored pencil and ink

At this present time my work is being shown at www.galrimontaj.com. I also have an etsy site where my deep etch art stamps are. I spent several months creating pen and ink drawings for these stamps. www.catherinehowell.etsy.com.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank Catherine for taking the time to share her insights with us! Please take a moment to view her stunning work at the links above.

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